Wednesday 23 November 2011

And then this...

You said it!

"Racist Pig"

So I havent been paying much attention of late. That is until I saw this!

Tuesday 26 July 2011

Im really confused by this one...

Why is the hooded gown in black not white?
Is this even significant?
I give up trying to understand...

Saturday 2 July 2011

And further to that...

I often wonder why the Burqa mural is in Newtown...
Besides the fact that it's his property so he can do whatever he wants, it seems to me someone willing and passionate enough to stand up for an issue should take it to where it's relevant.

I mean, why not hang this up in Lakemba if you really feel strongly about opening a debate about the burqa. Let people that it actually affects take part in the debate.

From my perspective of living in Newtown, the only burqa I have EVER seen here is one that was part of an art installation, in response to Sergio's SAY NO TO BURQAS mural.

So by my calculations, the incidence of Burqas in Newtown has increased thanks to Sergio. Ironic hey?

Ooooo K....

If only he understood that when you make large public statements, people should know or understand what your bangin on about, right?
This apparently is about the removal of a sculpture in the Blue Mountains so why oh why is it in Newtown? Anyway, at least it's better that the crappy burqa mural

Wednesday 22 June 2011


Its the subtle things that make my day...

(Note the addition of the asterix and footnote)

Even though we don't have a Bill of Rights here in Australia, Sergio is a big advocate for "free speech*
* As long as it reflect's his own personal opinions.

Sunday 22 May 2011

Sergio's response...

So one can only assume while he is not repainting his precious wall or wasting Police time, Sergio spends his time googling himself. Because he's finally found this blog - Yay!

So how has he responded to this blog you ask? Let me give you a peek into the mind of a sexist madman. In response to this image in particular...
 "They do have very large back sides don't you think, these two should be in Burqas" - sergio

Hmmm, so there's an exception for women with large bottoms is there? I can see your argument for banning the burqa runs deep.

If you keep comments like these coming Sergio, its my pleasure in publishing them.

My ten cents worth...

I agree everyone is entitled to an opinion. Hey, I'd like to see less old guys walking around in speedos at the beach but Im not going to scream it on a loud-speaker.
I'd like to see Pole dancing become an Olympic sport, but Im not going to start a parade about it...
The thing that shits me most about the "Say no to Burqas" mural is not Sergio's opinion because as I said, everyone's entitled to their own opinion. IT'S THE WAY HE'S SAYING IT.

As Ive said before, I put the burqa issue aside because I am not a Muslim woman and can not speak on their behalf. I do however resent ANY man who attempts to dictate to women, regardless or background or culture, what they should or should not wear in my community. And I also resent a mural that appears, to the outside world, to be the only voice of our community, when there are many voices and many opinions which do not get heard or seen above his shout.

I offer a different perspective. It's a blog - my blog. If you don't like it, don't read it.

Just to reiterate...

This blog aims to keep track of the many changing faces of the "Say no to Burqas" mural - including both sides. I publish both Sergios constant repainted images as well as the comments and reactions OF OUR LOCAL COMMUNITY to the mural, both on the mural and in the local area as I come across it. I also offer a virtual wall for anyone to repaint without the fear of repercussion or damage to property.
I do not support all comments, nor do I support Sergio's. However, the joy of having a blog is I am able to show what is happening in my community and add my own personal commentary when I feel moved.

While I welcome your comments, nasty, inappropriate or mundane input will be deleted at my discretion. Keep in mind, it's STILL my blog and my perspective.

Thursday 19 May 2011

Saturday 14 May 2011

Friday 13 May 2011

why "Ban the BOGAN"?

I'd like to repsond to a very fair comment regarding the term "bogan" within this blog.
...I really, really wish it wasn’t called “ban the bogan”, so over australians acting like racism is an essentially working-class thing or something.  the white kids at my elite university are just as racist as the white kids at my bogan high school, and have a lot more social power. 
I totally agree! The term "Ban the Bogan" was chosen because it was actually the first public graffiti in response to the original mural. So this blog's name is in reference to that, and in my own way, "tipping my hat" to the first brave person willing to take a stand.

However in saying all of this, if you ever met anyone from the APP who regularly turns up with in their utes with Australian flags a-wavin' and cases of beer under arm, you'll realise that "bogan" couldn't be more apt.

People are so funny!

Yesterday we woke to this piece of brilliance!
Sadly, it didnt last for long as Serg removed the "DON", changing the entire idea so the image supported his cause rather than mocked it.
Not surprisingly, Don Burke's office got wind of the site and requested it's removal.
Short but oh so sweet...

Tuesday 10 May 2011

what a bogan mobile!

If you haven't seen this before, it's pretty funny in a sad kinda way... this is Sergio's car. And yes, that is an Australian flag. (If you wonder why it hasnt been keyed a million times, he usually parks it within his "compound")

What a tosser. Apparently "Australians have nothing to hide",  yet he does exactly that when he hides behind the Australian flag to sprout his extremist views.

Extremism is any ideology or political act far outside the perceived political center of a society; or otherwise claimed to violate common moral standards - Wikipedia
Funny he can't see it within himself!

Friday 6 May 2011

No Disrespect Exhibition

It also featured a video piece that I caught live as i was driving by, some time back now...
It created quite some attention at the time and featured two fully covered women moving in front of the mural to a soundtrack with spraycans. Check out those outfits!  Loves it  :D

No Disrespect Exhibition

No Disrespect Exhibition

I love Newtown! Last night I came acroos this poster for an exhibition opening last night
It featured a broad range of artists (and I mean real artists, not crappy ones like Sergio) who provided their artistic responses to the "say no to burqas" mural. It's fantastic with everything from performance art, video art and spoken word performances.
Organised by a fabulous group of local activists, the Justice and Arts Network (JAAN) and Sydney Muslim Youth among others, I was incredibly proud to be part of the Newtown community again and it reminded me that a great swell of promising and active young people have the energy and desire to speak out against the oppression this mural represents.

Sunday 1 May 2011

Say NO to the APP

Wow - It's the Mardi Gras burqa!

The repainting has become a family affair with this version being done by Serge's father. And again, those racist idiots, The Australian Protectionist Party (APP )were in attendance to watch the painting's undertaking - presumably as security or a cheer team?
It just seems so weird to me that Serge and his father (who are of Italian birth) should align with a group such as the APP, who sprout the most senseless racist vitriol under the flag of white supremacy.

Their tagline for the party is "The First Australians". Ummmm, have they missed something besides afew chromosomes?
These people are not from Newtown yet have been welcomed in to the area by Sergio and do nothing but harrass, intimidate and physically threaten the local community. And I have seen and experienced this first hand.

Wednesday 20 April 2011

I saw this walking along today!

In the window of the Vanishing Point Gallery, King Street Newtown
I say YES to Izzy too! Although Im sorry the quality of the image is crap...
I just love people power x

Hee hee

Sunday 3 April 2011

Virtual repaint #4

Love it. Newtown wouldn't be Newtown without afew vegetarians in the mix. Thanks LA! xxx

Virtual repaint #3

Thanks to Anna for this one - an invitation to LEARN about the burqa and who wears it.
Come on - join the online gallery! Contribute your ideas.

Virtual repaint #2

Beyond painting the wall out altogether, this is my favorite

Virtual repaint #1

Thanks to AliCat for this one xxx
How would you repaint it? What messages do you think would be good to see?
Have your say - tell me your ideas!

It's time for a change!

Im thinking this looks ripe for a repaint! With the blank centre, it's just an open invitation to fill-in the gaps... kinda like a colouring in competition! So Im open to suggestions people. Tell me your ideas and I'll bang up the virtual results

Sunday 20 March 2011

Rain rain, wash it away

It's hardly surprising the rain is on the Greens side here.
And quite pleased to see the Police yesterday supervising the removal of the last absurd version (defamation issues I imagine!)

Tuesday 15 March 2011

Male ‘artists’ telling women what to wear is not liberation.

We're watching you!!!

In the window directly opposite the mural. My iPhone is incapable of doing this image justice!
Sadly, the installation was only temporary...

Monday 14 March 2011

Its Sergio's Pizza parlour!

One might think Fiona was Italian from this latest addition... And this guy calls himself an artist?
It might as well say...

Sunday 13 March 2011

Dumb and dumber

I mean seriously....

THIS is the best you could come up with Serge? Might I add, it took SIX guys standing around and shaking their heads in agreement with this one.  The sign says it all really...

The evolution begins...

Full of possibilities... what smart, forward-thinking statement are you going to come up with now Serge? (He's up the ladder fixing the sensor light. Watch you don't fall!)

Another day, another tagg

Disappointed the opportunity was lost here - the most valuable thing this person could write was presumably his own name "Richie"??? Oh, the bright minds of Newtown... Oh well, still caused a repaint and anything that wastes Sergios time, entertains me!

Tuesday 8 March 2011

Watch out - Theres a real camera now

Bummer... He's taken away the ornamental cameras and installed an absurdly large bubble camera. These ones have wires so I can only assume they are operational. All I can say is, yes - waste your money man.

Its kinda funny that this will just encourage people to don a burqa before retaliating! Not that Im giving people ideas or anything...

Hee hee

Friday 4 March 2011

He's at it again!

What a melon head.
Thankfully, there's a VOTE 1 for Fiona Byrnes in the window opposite this. Hehe :D

Thursday 3 March 2011

The cameras don't work!!!!!

Like a crybaby, Sergio called the police to waste their time AGAIN. Now, why would he be trying to decypher the tags with the cops if he had camera footage from one of his five cameras pointed around his mural??? Im guessing because THE CAMERAS ARE ORNAMENTAL!
Just another thing without substance...